Technology have made things easier since the invention of things made by some inventors, it has so far help the world in advancing. Every invention has an inventor behind it. So today we are going to be talking about some inventions and their inventors.
1. Michael Faraday - Electricity
2. John Baird - Television
3. Edward Jenny - Vaccination
4. Alva Edison - Photograph
5. Marchese malconi - Radio
6. Elias Howe - Sewing
7. Graham Bell - Telephone/Thermometer
8. Rogar Becon - Gunpowder
9. Galileo - Telescope
10. John Gutter Berg - printing
11.Ronald Ross - Malaria germ
12. Joseph Pristly - Oxygen
13. William Konald - X-ray
14. Louis pasteur - science of bacteria
15. Orville and Wilbur - Aeroplane
16. David Edward Hughes - Microphone
17. William Harvey - Circulation of blood
18. George Eastman - Kodak camera
19. Robert Kochi - Bacillus of tuberculosis
20. Lord Lister - Antiseptic treatment
21. Volta - Battery
22. Stephenson - Railway engine
23. Gidden soles - Typewriter
24. Pitman - Short hand
25. Karl Benz - first moto car
26. Paschal Blaise - Calculator
27. sir James Parsons - Air-condition
28. John Walter Safety - matches
29. Benjamin Franklin - Lighting rod and glass harmonica
30. Johannes Gutenberg - printing press
31. Tim berners lece - WWW
32. Nikola Tesla - AC generation and
transmission technology
33. Charles Babbage - Computer
34. Ada Lovelace - First computer programmer
35. Rosalind Franklin - DNA double helix
36. Sumio Lijima - carbon Nanotubes
37. E.A Johnson - First touch screen
38. Roger L.Easton - GPS
39. Margret knight - Paper bag
40. Philip Diehl - Ceiling fan
41. Martin cooper - mobile phone
42. Thomas Edison - Bulb
43. Chunk hill - 3D printing
44. Maria Telkes - solar power house
45. Ivan Sutherland - headset.
We hope to get more invention, innovation from the younger generation.
Thanks for reading!!!!